Douglas talks about (what else) the weather. But he uses weather as a metaphor to talk about disruptive storms of change impacting every sector, and the implications for your business.
Read Paul’s Latest Book
Caring For Creation: The Evangelical’s Guide to Climate Change and a Healthy Environment
Climate change is a confusing and polarizing issue. It may also prove to be the most daunting challenge of this century because children, the elderly, and the poor will be the first to feel its effects. The issue is all over the news, but what is seldom heard is a conservative, evangelical perspective.
“In Caring for Creation, Mitch Hescox and Paul Douglas present compelling evidence, grapple with indispensable theology, and propose crucial solutions regarding one of the most urgent crises of our day. As people of faith, we can lead a global conversation toward action—action that will save millions of lives and bear witness to a creative and loving God who cares about all people.”
Paul Douglas has demonstrated not only a genuine passion for meteorology, but an ability to look over the horizon, examine trends in technology, and connect the dots in ways that bring value to weather-sensitive companies and consumers
In the News
Bloomberg News
The Huffington Post
- “A Message from a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change”
- “Republican Meteorologist to Mitt Romney: My Top 10 Reasons for Republicans to Accept Reality on the Climate”
- “Hurricane Sandy Updates”
- “Sandy’s Legacy? Vote as if Future Generations Depend On It”
- Tornado Warning. “One of these Days a Single Tornado will Claim 1,000 American Lives”
- “Combatting Tornado Fatigue: A Proposal for “Tornado Alerts” and “Tornado Emergencies”
- Covering the Moore, OK Tragedy “All In” with Chris Hayes
- Breaking Down the Moore, OK Tornado “All In” with Chris Hayes
- Appearance on MSNBC with host Chris Hayes